About Broad Creek Public Service District

Broad Creek Public Service District (The District) was created in August 1973 and is governed by a Commission of five District residents. Commissioners are elected through a nonbinding election of District registered voters for recommendation to the legislative delegation of Beaufort County. The legislative delegation then sends the nominees to the Governor of South Carolina for appointment. Each Commissioner serves a term of three years, and may be reappointed by the Governor.

The District provides potable water and treats wastewater for the middle portion of Hilton Head Island. This includes areas around Palmetto Dunes, Plantation Center, South Island Square, Chimney Cove, Yacht Cove, Shelter Cove, Shelter Cove Towne Centre, and The Plaza at Shelter Cove. The District serves approximately 5200 single family, multi-family, and commercial properties.

The District is comprised of one 2.08 mgd capacity wastewater treatment plant; eighteen wastewater pump stations; two wastewater vacuum stations; one water tower; three Floridan Aquifer wells; and a transmission line connecting to Beaufort Jasper Water and Sewer Authority and Hilton Head Public Service District to receive a blend of treated Savannah River water and reverse osmosis aquifer water. There are sixty-three miles of water distribution lines and forty-one miles of wastewater collection lines in the District.

In addition to user fees, the District levies a 10 mill charge for operations. The millage rate was frozen at a maximum level of 10 mills in 2001 by act of the Legislature and the Governor.
