Short-term Rental Market Disclosure

The Water and Sewer Rates of the Broad Creek Public Service District (“District”) effective October 1, 2004 distinguish between Residential Units as either being “Non-Rental” or “Rental”. A Residential Rental Unit, if rented on a short-term basis which is defined as lease periods of less than six (6) months, falls under the “Commercial” classification and is assessed an addition transient rental unit (TRU) sewer charge as per the District rate schedule. If you rent your property one-time during the calendar year for less than fourteen (14) days it is not considered “Commercial”. Short-term rental disclosure is required any time the status of the property changes. Failure to disclose the rental status of your property in a timely manner will result in the property’s default classification as “Commercial” and TRU fee will be assessed. Any false statements regarding the rental status will be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred ($500) dollars.

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