We are happy to announce that the 9th annual Mayor's Challenge will begin August 1st and provide cities with a positive and inspiring message during this unprecedented time offering an impactful and fun conservation program for residents to take part in and win from more than $50,000 in prizes. Presenting partner is Toyota and additional partners include the USEPA, the National League of Cities, The Toro Company, and more.

A friendly competition between cities across the nation to see who can be the most water-wise, the Challenge's built-in virtual component features an online series of conservation pledges mywaterpledge.com reminding residents that small changes make big impacts. The pledges create awareness that so many actions that seemingly have nothing to do with water, like saving electricity, recycling, wasting less food, actually have a significant impact on water. (Only 2 of the 17 pledges specifically reference water and that is to run full loads of laundry and dishwashers and to take shorter showers.)

Complementing the online pledging we are launching our MyVolunteer component of the Challenge which offers residents the opportunity to participate in the Challenge safely from their home with hands-on, do-it-yourself projects around the house and in the community that protect, preserve, and beautify our environment. These projects can be done individually or with family members as well as virtual groups of friends, colleagues, and other social groups. All activities earn points for city participation in the Challenge.

Sign up to participate in the challenge here wylandfoundation.org/mayors and join mayors from prominent cities such as Houston, Dallas, San Diego, Denver, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, and more who have led their cities in the National Mayor's Challenge.

Participating residents will select their city My Water Pledge to begin the online pledge and next they will see a statement and or video on conservation provided by your city's mayor or appropriate city official. Statements of support and or YouTube statements can be emailed to mayorschallenge@wylandfoundation.org or to marciv@wyland.com. If you don't have time to draft a statement, you can use the standard statement of support provided at the sign up page wylandfoundation.org/mayors.

Here is a great competition example between Gainesville, Florida, and Athens, Georgia.

Sign up Here, it takes less than a minute. We hope you will participate in the 2020 Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation. The mission of the Wyland Foundation is to inspire lifelong stewardship of our oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.